What are the signs and warnings before a lift accident?


The number of lifts accompanied by the height of the floor more and more, the frequency of use more and more, wear and tear consumption more and more, lift accidents with more and more. In addition to normal maintenance and repair, in fact, in the lift before the accident will have signs as a warning, then the lift signs of warning are what?

First, there is a shaking phenomenon (the lift shakes left and right, jumps up and down in the vertical direction, resonance with sound, etc.)

(1) Shaking of lift quality

(2) Shaking of poorly installed lift

(3) Shaking caused by improper debugging of the lift

Second, the phenomenon of lift sliding floor (from the designated floor to the designated floor below)

Third, the phenomenon of the lift rushing to the top (rising from the designated floor to above the designated floor to the top of the building)

Four, car sinking phenomenon (the bottom of the car and the floor is not in a plane, lower than the floor height)

Fifth, the phenomenon of button failure (opening and closing the door button and floor button failure)

General lift in the accident will have the corresponding phenomenon before the emergence of warning as a sign, we only use in the usual time to pay more attention, once the problem is found, you should immediately notify the relevant personnel to overhaul. Do not feel safe to reach your destination and then walk away, which is likely to cause a very serious lift accident. Therefore, the maintenance of lifts should rely on the strength of everyone, so that the safety of our lives can be fundamentally safeguarded.