The elevator’s going to be “hot.”

Elevator “hot dizzy” performance

Elevator motor, inverter, brake resistance, car top air conditioning and other heating and cooling components, and the well is relatively closed. In the absence of cooling measures, the elevator shaft and car will form a higher temperature than the outdoor working environment.Too high ambient temperature is easy to cause overheating of the circuit to cause electrical component failure, there will be sudden failure to open the door, elevator button failure and other failures, resulting in elevator trapped people.

The long-term high temperature of the elevator room is easy to lead to circuit failure, accelerate the aging of electrical components, and shorten the life of the elevator motherboard.In summer, the temperature is high, and the elevator room is mostly directly “exposed” on the roof of the top floor of the building, and some sightseeing elevators without the machine room even use glass car walls and shafts in all aspects, and the elevator host and control cabinet have been continuously “sauna” in the high temperature.

How to give theelevator “heat”?

Although the car is equipped with ventilation holes, it is not completely sealed, but the summer temperature is high, and once the elevator is trapped, it is easy to cause discomfort to the passengers.

During the high temperature to strengthen the elevator room, elevator shaft and car and other parts of the ventilation, shading, if necessary, the use of air conditioning system to cool the room, shaft. Specific practices are as follows:

First, improve the ventilation and heat dissipation conditions, and install ventilation and ventilation devices (such as exhaust fans) near the main heating equipment such as control cabinets or traction machines to enhance air circulation and timely heat dissipation.

Second, in the case that the door of the equipment room is installed with a rat-proof board, open the window properly, open the door of the control cabinet, and use the electric fan to dissipate heat for the control cabinet.

The third is to create a constant temperature environment and install air conditioning for the elevator room to eliminate high temperature.