Prior to a movement control order aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19, construction on PNB’s Merdeka 118 in Kuala Lumpur — expected as Southeast Asia’s future tallest tower — had reached the 111th of 118 floors in March, The Malaysian Reserve reports. The project was on hold for up to three months, but PNB executives said during a virtual press conference on May 4 that construction was expected to resume within a week. Measures including taking workers’ temperatures, staggering work hours and practicing social distancing are being implemented, and the executives say there are plenty of construction materials on hand to allow work for the next six months. The more-than-3-million-ft2 structure will house 1.65 million ft2 of premium office space, a Park Hyatt Hotel and 1 million ft2 of retail. Completion is anticipated in late 2021.